If you get a request to the serial port starting with +IPD youve managed to send a HTTP request to the ESP.

After successfully configuring the ESP as softAP & webserver try to connect to the AP and type its IP address (AT+CIFSR) into the web browser. Nocache = "&nocache=" + Math. To check the current firmware version try AT+GMR. sets every element of str to 0 (clears array) void StrClear( char *str, char length) BaseColumns CalendarContract.AttendeesColumns CalendarContract.CalendarAlertsColumns CalendarContract.CalendarCacheColumns CalendarContract. MAC address from Ethernet shield sticker under board byte mac = // pins interfaced to switches size of buffer used to capture HTTP requests Software: Developed using Arduino 1.6.1 software Should be compatible with Arduino 1.0 + SD card contains web page called index.htm References: - Based on Ajax I/O example from Starting Electronics: - Switch debouncing from Arduino IDE example code File -> Examples -> 02.Digital -> Debounce Date: 13 April 2015 Author: W.A. Smith, -*/ Hardware: Arduino Uno and official Arduino Ethernet shield. Should work with other Arduinos and compatible Ethernet shields. The web page is stored on the micro SD card. the data from the the web server to your mobile device via REST. *- Program: web_server_hw_button_pg_button Description: Arduino web server that allows two LEDs to be controlled by a checkbox, HTML button and two hardware push buttons. I want to create a global system to comunicate arduino and android app with a database. The Arduino sketch consists of a modified version of the code from the Arduino web server tutorial part 16 on web server Ajax I/O.

Books that may interest you: Arduino Code and HTML Pageĭownload the zipped code here or copy and paste from below.Īrduino sketch and HTML page zipped: web_server_hw_button_pg_button.zip (4.8kB) Arduino Sketch